记录一次在华东理工面试_“您听起来不安全” –记录自己如何帮助您获得下一次面试机会...
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by DJ Chung

由DJ Chung

“您听起来不安全” –记录自己如何帮助您获得下一次面试机会 (“You sound insecure” — how recording yourself can help you ace your next interview)

Have you ever heard a recording of your voice? It’s weird. I’m not saying your voice is weird (well, it could be), but it’s a weird experience. You have a mental recording of what you think you sound like in your head, but it’s completely different when you actually hear it played back.

您听过录音吗? 有点奇怪。 我并不是说您的声音很奇怪(可能是),但这是一种奇怪的经历。 您对脑海中的声音有一个心理记录,但是当您实际听到它播放时,却完全不同。

现在,最重要的是,您在回答面试问题时听到过自己的声音吗? (Now, on top of that, have you ever heard your own voice when you’re answering interview questions?)

Super awkward. At least it was for me.

超级笨拙。 至少是给我的。

Right before I applied to my dream company, Dropbox, I was applying to lesser known companies to practice interviewing, but I kept bombing my phone interviews.


My friend, Nick, offered to do a mock interview with me to see if he could help.


His one and only piece of feedback completely changed my interview success rate. He said,

他的唯一反馈完全改变了我的面试成功率。 他说,

Your answers are fine, but you sound really insecure. Your voice doesn’t inspire any confidence you’d do the job well.

您的回答很好,但是您听起来确实不安全 你的声音无法激发你做好工作的信心

This blew my mind. I had no idea my voice was an issue or something I should even consider thinking about.

这令我震惊。 我不知道我的声音是一个问题还是我什至应该考虑的问题。

I didn’t believe Nick at first, but then we voice recorded another mock interview, it was immediately clear. I sounded extremely insecure and often defensive. I had to fix this.

起初我不相信尼克,但随后我们语音录制了另一次模拟采访,这很明显。 我听起来极度缺乏安全感,而且常常防御。 我不得不解决这个问题。

我开始录制练习模拟面试环节的语音,这改变了游戏规则。 (I started voice recording my practice mock interview sessions and it was a game changer.)

You should do this if you haven’t!


You’ll learn a lot just from one voice recording. You’ll hear how you structure your answers, if you ramble, if you use filler words or phrases (“like”, “um”, “you know”) too often, and if your voice sounds insecure.

仅从一次录音中您会学到很多。 您将听到您如何构造答案,漫步,是否经常使用填充词或短语(“ like”,“ um”,“ you know”)以及声音听起来不安全。

Maybe you don’t have a problem with sounding insecure, but there could be something else in your voice or phrasing that distracts from the content of your answers.


After recording myself, here are the three things I noticed in my voice that made me sound insecure and how I went about addressing them.


我的最后一句话听起来像个问题。 (1. My final sentence of an answer sounded like a question.)

Most times when I finished answering a question, my voice raised an octave, like I was asking a question. I would say something like, “I oversaw this project and it really helped improve our processes(?)”

大多数情况下,当我回答一个问题时,我的声音会提高八度,就像我在问一个问题一样。 我会说,“我监督了这个项目,它确实有助于改善我们的流程(?)”

I was so focused on saying the right things and trying to remember all of the answers I prepared that it was almost as if I was seeking approval for my answers. I would have never noticed this had I not voice recorded myself.

我非常专注于说正确的话,并试图记住我准备的所有答案,以至于好像我在寻求批准我的答案一样。 如果我不录制自己的声音,我将永远不会注意到这一点。

In order to fix this, I focused on making declarative statements and visualized literally putting a period at the end of my spoken sentences.


“I oversaw this project and it made our processes two times more efficient (period).” Or, “My analysis indicated there was a problem with the sign up flow (period).”

“我监督了这个项目,它使我们的流程效率提高了两倍(有效期)。” 或者,“我的分析表明注册流程(期间)存在问题。”

Having this mental image also made me include a brief pause after every statement which was helpful because I also found that I was speaking so fast. Which was my next realization…

有了这种心理形象,我在每一次陈述之后都会短暂地停顿一下,这是有帮助的 这是我的下一个认识...

2.我讲得非常快,因为我想吐出每条相关信息。 (2. I was speaking extremely fast, because I wanted to spit out every piece of relevant information.)

A lot of people struggle with speaking too fast and there could be many reasons why.


When I replayed my voice recording multiple times, I figured out I was talking so fast because I was insecure about making sure I said everything I wanted. It was almost like I was talking at the interviewer (in this case, Nick, my mock interviewer), not with him.

当我多次回放录音时,我发现自己讲话的速度太快了,因为我对确保自己说出想要的一切都不安全。 几乎就像我在和面试官说话(在这种情况下,是我的模拟面试官尼克),而不是和他说话。

Trying to say every detail about a situation or every achievement related to a project made me come off as overbearing at best and at worst, very defensive. My answers came off like justifications, especially for questions that dealt with conflict like, “Tell me about a time you had a difficult working relationship with a team member.”

试图说出每一个有关情况的细节或与项目相关的每项成就,使我脱颖而出,充其量是最好的,最坏的是防御性的。 我的回答像道理一样,特别是针对诸如“告诉我您与团队成员的工作关系困难的时候”之类的冲突问题。

My rush to caveat my answers, provide very specific details about the situation, and rush through telling the interviewer about my thought process was just too much. Listening to the voice recording of my answers was overwhelming even for myself.

我急于告诫我的答案,提供有关情况的非常具体的细节,并急于告诉采访者我的思考过程实在太多了。 听我的答案的录音甚至对我自己来说都是压倒性的。

To help prevent me from speaking too fast, I wrote out, word for word, answers to common interview questions like, “Walk me through your resume” and “Tell me about a project you’re proud of.” I didn’t hold back on what I wanted to say and wrote down how I thought I would best answer these questions.

为了防止我说得太快,我逐字逐字地写出了一些常见的面试问题的答案,例如“让我读简历”和“告诉我有关您引以为傲的项目”。 我没有保留我想说的话,而是写下我认为我将最好地回答这些问题的方式。

然后,我将字数减少了50%。 (Then, I cut down the word count by 50%.)

This sounds drastic and maybe impossible, but if you have a problem with speaking too fast because you’re trying to say every relevant piece of info, try this.


Maybe you don’t need to cut the number of words by half, but maybe 25%. Regardless, it will be a great exercise to help you get to the essence and the actual critical details of the stories you want to tell in your interviews.

也许您不需要将单词数量减少一半,但可能需要减少25%。 无论如何,这将是一个很好的练习,可以帮助您了解要在访谈中讲述的故事的本质和实际关键细节。

Also, I had a little mantra. I would remind myself,

另外,我有一点口头禅。 我会提醒自己,

Just slow the heck down ?

3.我在情境中闲逛,而不是实际回答问题。 (3. I rambled about the context of a situation versus actually answering the question.)

For questions like, “Tell me how you’ve resolved a conflict with a difficult teammate”, I would spend most of the time building up the context and describing the situation versus telling how I actually resolved the conflict.


To answer that type of question, I tried using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to answer interview questions (Google it if you haven’t heard of it). But I found I was spending way too much time talking about the Situation.

为了回答这种类型的问题,我尝试使用STAR(情况,任务,动作,结果)方法回答面试问题(如果您尚未听说,请在Google上回答)。 但是我发现我花太多时间谈论这种情况。

After hearing my rambling answers, I focused on answering the actual question at a high level first (the Action part of STAR), then providing context.


So for the conflict question, with my new approach, I would answer it by first saying, “I resolved a conflict with one of the engineers on my team about timelines by first trying to understand where she was coming from and then coming up with tradeoffs based on what was most important to the two of us.” Then, I would go on and describe the situation.

因此,对于冲突问题,我将首先说:“我解决了与团队中一位工程师在时间表上的冲突,首先尝试了解她的来历,然后进行权衡基于对我们两个人最重要的东西。” 然后,我将继续描述情况。

Saying this first gives both the interviewer and you an anchor for your answer. For the interviewer, they get a glimpse of what you actually did in the situation. For yourself, it provides a framework so you don’t veer off track on irrelevant details when you explain the context.

首先说一下,这既可以使访问员也可以为您提供答案的锚点。 对于面试官,他们可以一窥您在这种情况下的实际状况。 它为您自己提供了一个框架,因此您在解释上下文时不会偏离无关紧要的细节。

For behavioral/situational interview questions, focus on answering what you did in the situation in the first 2–3 sentences. Ultimately, the interviewer wants to know how you affected change, since the interview is about you!

对于行为/情境面试问题,请专注于回答您所做的事情 在前2-3个句子中。 最终,面试官想知道您如何影响变更,因为面试是关于您的!

录音自己! (Voice record yourself!)

It was eye-opening (or ear-opening?) hearing a recording of myself answering interview questions. Had I not done so, I would have never known my answers sounded insecure, defensive, and not confident because of the way I talked.

听到自己录制回答访谈问题的录音时,我大开眼界(或大开眼界?)。 如果我不这样做,我将永远不会因为我的讲话方式而听出我的回答听起来缺乏安全感,防御力和不自信。

By recording myself, I was able to make the most of the time I had to prepare for my interviews because I discovered what I needed to work on.


All this to say, try voice recording yourself during a mock interview with a friend. I guarantee you’ll immediately learn what you need to improve!

所有这些,在与朋友进行的模拟采访中尝试录制自己的声音。 我保证您会立即学习需要改进的地方!

您的求职卡住了吗? 是否想弄清楚如何突破并找到技术工作? (Is your job search stuck? Want to figure out how to break through and land a job in tech?)

Originally published at





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